
Privacy and cookies

Privacy policy

This privacy policy explains how we, at Global Digital Library, process information about visitors to our website, and those who create an account to use our digital library.  

Who is responsible? 

The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) is responsible for The Global Digital Library. Because Norad is a Norwegian company we follow the General Data Protection Regulation (often called the GDPR), that tells us how to keep your personal data safe. 

Purpose: Why does Norad process your personal data? 

We process your personal data for a number of different reasons (purposes): 

  • For you to be able to create an account at our library and track your own progress when earning badges 
  • For teachers and parents to create accounts for their kids or students, and keep track of their progress as they earn different badges 
  • To provide you with customer support if you need it  
  • We also use cookies and store your IP-address to deliver you a personalised experience on our website, to improve our library, and to be able to advertise for our digital library.  

Personal data we collect about you 

Some personal data is collected automatically when you visit our website, and some information we collect because you provide us with this information when you create an account. 

Personal data you provide us with 

  • Account information: When you create an account to use our digital library we will store your name, email address, country of origin and age. In addition, we will store information about the badges you earn. If you are one of our translation contributors we also store this information linked to your account.   
  • Provide you with support: If you are experiencing any problems with our website, e- books etc, you can report the problem through our website and we will store your email address and your inquiry.  

Personal data that is collected automatically when you visit our website 

  • Technical information from your computer: We will gather your IP-address, type of browser, internet service provider, date and time of your visit, what information you search for, what language you use, and identification number associated with your computer, laptop or mobile phone.  
  • Information about your location: By using your IP address, we can approximate your geographical location. This helps us understand the distribution of our visitors and users globally. 
  • Pixels: On our website, we use Facebook Pixel. These are cookies that enable Facebook to receive information about your visits to our website. Based on this information, ads you see on Facebook are adapted to your preferences and the things you are interested in.  

Cookies are small data files that are stored on your computer, tablet or phone, when you visit a website. We use cookies to enable our website to recognize your computer, tablet, or phone. On our website we use cookies from Google Analytics and WordPress.   

We utilise cookies to understand how visitors interact with our website, this helps us improve our website and our library. Cookies help us make your experience on our website better. In addition, cookies help us market our educational services so that others become aware of our free digital library.   

The use of cookies requires your consent. When you visit our website, you can consent to the use of cookies or you can choose to not consent. If you give your consent, and change your mind, you can withdraw your consent by changing the settings in your browser.  For more information on how to turn off cookies, please see these guidelines: Cookies | ICO

You can read Google Privacy Policy by following this link: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-US#infocollect 

Legal basis – why is Norad allowed to process your personal data? 

For us to use your personal data we need something called a legal basis. We will explain to you the legal bases we use: 

  • Necessary to fulfil a contract or agreement: This legal basis is used when you create an account at Global Digital Library, either on your behalf or on behalf of your kids/students.  
    We also use this legal basis if we report a problem through our website. This is because the personal data we collect about you for these purposes are necessary for us to be able to provide you with our digital library or fix a problem you report to us.  
  • Consent: For the use of cookies and communication with you we use the legal basis called consent. Your consent is given in a pop-up box when you first visit our website or create an account. 

If you are one of our translators, this is also based on your consent. Your translation contributions will be stored and connected to your account.  

Sharing your personal data 

Suppliers are other companies we work with, for example for our website (such as WordPress) and for advertising for our digital library (Google Analytics). We only share your personal data with our suppliers that we enter into a data processing agreement with. These are suppliers we need in order to offer our digital library.  

Transfer of personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA 

Some of our suppliers are located outside the EU. We only use suppliers outside the EU where we can use a valid transfer basis in the data protection legislation (GDPR). We always enter into an agreement with the supplier in question and we ensure that your personal data are kept safe. 

How long do we store your personal data? 

We store your personal data for as long as you use our digital library through your account. If you wish to withdraw your consent or delete your user account we will delete your personal data.  

Your rights 

As long as we handle your personal data, you have the right to request: 

  • access to or a copy of the personal data we store about you 
  • require us to correct your personal data 
  • require us to delete your personal data  
  • Request that we restrict the use of your personal data 
  • To withdraw your consent 

If you believe that the way we process your personal data is unlawful, you can always send a complaint to the Data Protection Authorities in your country.  

Contact information

Do you have any questions about this privacy policy or do you want to exercise any of your rights? Please contact us at media@digitallibrary.io