
Creative Commons license on content

The Global Digital Library (GDL) core platform contains digital copies of Creative Commons or otherwise openly licensed, publicly accessible materials. All content will be marked with the correct license, authors and illustrators. 

The primary licenses for content on the GDL are CC BY and CC BY-SA. These licenses drive innovation and creativity, including commercial reuse. Furthermore, these licenses strongly support the overall GDL goal of sharing, translation, and contextualization of early grade reading educational materials, open textbooks and open educational resources.

The Global Digital Library project will accept content released under a Digital Public Goods Standard approved license. The Global Digital Library endorses the Digital Public Goods Alliance and their work on the Digital Public Goods Standard.

We are collaborating with several content platforms who are addressing the increasing public demand for sharing under CC licenses. We encourage all projects developing content to visit creativecommons.org for more information.

Creative Commons has developed a cc toolkit for user-generated content platforms. This toolkit covers the elements for a basic Creative Commons platform integration, including aligning legal terms to CC tools: installing the CC license chooser, displaying CC licensed content with the correct logos and links and how to communicate CC to your users.